Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Run No. 42 Sophia-Antipolis to Anitbes

Today, I played a table game named Pendago with my colleagues during lunch time. It's very interesting but difficult, or at least I'm not good at it :D As a result, I decided to run back home after work. It turned out a good choice, the temperature was very comfortable and I ran faster than usual.

Also, I heard somebody calling my name in a car passing by. As I was concentrated on my way, I didn't identify who was this guy, must be one of my friends. :D

So here is the result:

Another thing to mention, I just signed up on Twitter. Since Nike+ has an option to automatically share my activity on Twitter, I thought I should try it out. However, it is not automatic, I still have to enter something to share, much less interesting than the auto-share on facebook, where you don't have to enter anything.

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