Again, it’s an ideal day to run, but what excited me more is I’m going to see what’s new in the Nike+ GPS 2.0.1.
I started a new workout then at once, I noticed that there is another option in the “Run Setup” page. That is the “Get Cheers” option.
With a facebook icon, I immediately guess what this option does, probably it will sent a post to facebook saying I’m starting a new run so friends will know… OK, anyway, I turned it on then go on running.
And when I came back and open my facebook, guess what, I had two post there already. One is when I started the run and the other is when the run ended. Here is what I got for the start:
As we can see, “Comment of Like to send me some mid-run cheers”, well, nobody just commented or liked this post during I’m running, but it seems that if somebody every did that, I’ll get a kind of notice on my iPhone when I was running. It could be wonderful if it really works this way.
On the contrary, I don’t like very much the post at the end, mainly because the link brings you to the NIke+ main page instead of my run page as before.
Here is the old automatic post with a link to the run page:
Then, there is nothing special to say about the run itself. What surprised me is when I tried to see the route info as usual, I got an empty map. This really disappointed me. I hope this is just a temporary problem instead of a bug in 2.0.1.
An the same when I looked at the Pace page. BTW, I liked the way the pace is displayed with colors that shows you directly where I was fast and where I was slow. And this feature is not available on the website, so I really hope the empty map problem get fixed as soon as possible.
the “Get Cheers” during the run is pretty interesting, still to see how exactly it works.
Run finished post on facebook does not have link to the run page, less informative.
Route info shows empty maps, to see if the problem persists.
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