Thursday, September 29, 2011

Run No. 69 Sophia Antipolis

I ran another 5kilo today. Before starting, I felt a bit tired actually, however, after the ran I felt much better :D

Here is the result.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Run No. 68 Sophia Antipolis

I'm running irregularly more often than usual recently. I didn't have my Sunday's run because I went out and spent most of the day in a little park with my wife and my son.

So I went to run today, at noon time. It was a little hot today actually, not sure how much it is, but I felt hot. Even a fresh shower did not cool me down completely.

Here is the result:

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Run No. 67 Sophia Antipolis - Antibes

I ran back home from work today. It was cool and I felt really great. Average pace of 6min/kilo, with a knapsack of 3kilo and a road going up and down three times, it's not a so bad a record.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Run No. 66 Sophia Antipolis

Haven't run this weekend, so I selected to run today. Planned to run at noon time, but was trapped by a tricky problem in the work. Finally, I ran back home at seven o'clock.

The day is much cooler now than several weeks ago and we feel really it's autumn now.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Run No. 65 Sophia Antipolis

Didn't run last weekend, played with my new car :D

So this Wednesday's run, I had a great weather and two friends. We ran at a very relaxing pace, about 7min/kilo. Felt really great! I eat two sandwiches after, I was really hungry. 

Think I need to run more often from now to be prepared for the competition "Run for a Flower" which is in two weeks.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Run No. 64 Sophia Antipolis

Colleagues have been back from summer vacations, so today, we were three for the Wednesday's run. As they just came back so we were at a slower pace and took a short cut. So 4.5km 7min/kilo, that's just for relaxing a bit from the whole morning's hard work. :D

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Run No. 63 Cap d'Antibes

It becomes cooler when September starts. The wind brings clouds back to the Mediterranean. Today, I felt quite happy to run under the clouds so no sunlight burning me. In addition, I brought a little bottle of water with me. Sum all the factors up, I ran faster today than I usually do.

Here is the result: