Sunday, September 23, 2012

Run No. 99. Vieux Antibes

Days are getting better and better for running. I went out today and I just found out it's comfortable to run. However I didn't run a lot, only 6.37 kilometers. That's because I didn't run last week so ... But I plan to run at least once during the week days from this week to get me fully recovered.

Also it's the 99th run today, next time it will be 100th.

Here is the result:

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Run No. 98. Cap d'Antibes

A nice Sunday!
Set off 15:30 when the sun is still high. Objective is to accomplish the Cap, or at least half of it :D

Started very slow, then at full speed when passing Antibes center. It goes up when entering the Cap so I slowed down. But as it's a long slop, I almost couldn't continue. Then I chose a nearest way back and stopped at 10 kilo.

Almost exhausted when I came back, drunk a lot of water and eat a lot too.

Here is the result.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Run No. 95,96,97. Antibes

I went out running three times recently but I haven't written anything about it. It's really too busy to have time to type some words here. Now finally, all come back to normal then I can write.

The first run after two months inactivity since June, it was on 12 Aug, I made a recovery run which was initially panned for 5 kilometers but I ended up losing myself on my way, so I ran actually 6 kilometers and walked quite a while back home.

The next run was at 26 Aug, it was still very hot at that time, exhausted after completed 5 kilometers.

Then today, it's the third recovery run. I feel already much better so I want to see if I can complete a 10 kilo. I started out aiming the Cap d'Antibes. As now I live further to the Cap than before, when I entered the Cap, it's already 5 kilometers. As a result, I turned back right there and that will be perfect to make a 10 kilo. I know I cannot finish the whole Cap, maybe after another recovery run.

Here are the results:

Run 20120812:

Run 20120826:

Run 20120902: